Sixt Leasing doubles pre-tax Group earnings in Q1 2015
- EBT up from EUR 3.6 million to EUR 7.3 million
- Group revenues up by 25% to EUR 165.3 million
- Performance in line with internal expectations
- Dott. Rudolf Rizzolli, CEO: 'A strong first quarter lays a solid foundation for achieving our targets for the year.'
Pullach, 18 May 2015 - In Q1 2015 the Sixt Leasing Group continued its positive business performance from last year. Year-on-year consolidated revenue for the quarter climbed 25.0% to EUR 165.3 million. Consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT), the key figure for measuring the business success of the mobility service provider more than doubled in the first quarter of 2015, from EUR 3.6 million (Q1 2014) to EUR 7.3 million. The Company, whose share was listed on Frankfurt's stock exchange for the first time on 7 May 2015, is optimistic for the further course of the year.
Dott. Rudolf Rizzolli, CEO of Sixt Leasing AG: 'First quarter business performance is in keeping with our own expectations and represents a solid foundation for achieving our targets for the year. The successful IPO at the start of May has given us the financial leeway that is the precondition for achieving our ambitious growth plans.'
Sixt Leasing Group key figures Q1 2015
- Group revenues for January to March 2015 climbed 25.0% compared with the same quarter last year (EUR 132.3 million) to EUR 165.3 million. Growth was driven above all by stronger revenue from the sale of used leasing vehicles and from finance leasing.
- Operating revenues (excluding vehicle sales revenue) increased 2.8% to EUR 106.0 million (Q1 2014: EUR 103.2 million).
- The strong increase in sales revenues by over 100% to EUR 59.3 million (Q1 2014: EUR 29.1 million) is essentially due to the increasing expansion of the contract portfolio over the last few years, which at the end of the leasing contract's term results in corresponding vehicle returns, which come with a certain time lag. In addition, the service range on the fleet management segment was extended and now also includes the re-marketing of the managed cars.
- Group earnings before taxes (EBT) doubled from EUR 3.6 million to EUR 7.3 million. This was not just effected by the growth in business volume but also improved margins in the contract portfolio.
- The Group closed the first quarter with significantly higher earnings after taxes of EUR 5.6 million (Q1 2014: EUR 2.6 million).
Contract portfolio keeps growing
As per reporting date, 31 March 2015, the Group's total number of contracts inside and outside Germany (excluding franchisees) was 98,400. This amounts to an increase of 18,800 contracts, or 23.6%, as against the reporting date of the same quarter last year (79,600).
Operating business segments' performance
The Sixt Leasing Group divides its operating business into the two segments (business units) Leasing (with the business fields Fleet Leasing and Online Retail) and Fleet Management.
Leasing segment:
In the first three months of 2015 the Leasing segment generated revenue from leasing transactions in the amount of EUR 97.7 million, a gain of 2.9% on the same quarter last year (EUR 95.0 million). This positive development is the result of a higher contract volume, especially in the Online Retail business field. Total revenue for the Leasing segment for the first three months came to EUR 146.7 million, which is a significant 18.3% gain on the same period last year (EUR 124.0 million).
EBT for the first three months was EUR 6.8 million after EUR 3.7 million in the first quarter of 2014.
At the end of the reporting period the Leasing segment recorded a total of 67,300 contracts (31 March 2014: 62,700). The number of contracts in the Online Retail business field with the online platform had grown to 17,500 at the end of March 2015 (31 March 2014: 12,400), while in the Fleet Leasing business field the number of contracts decreased marginally to 49,800 (31 March 2014: 50,300).
Fleet Management segment:
Revenues in the Fleet Management segment rose from EUR 8.3 million for Q1 2014 to EUR 18.6 million in Q1 2015. This very positive development is driven by the revenue from vehicle sales climbing by EUR 10.2 million to a total of EUR 10.3 million.
The EBT of the segment for Q1 2015 was EUR 0.5 million compared with EUR -0.1 million for the same quarter last year.
As per reporting date the Fleet Management's contract portfolio had risen considerably from 16,900 (Q1 2014) to 31,100 because of the acquisition of a large key account.
Solid equity ratio following the IPO
As per 31 March 2015 the Sixt Leasing Group reported an equity ratio of 1.8%. Account must be taken, however, of the fact that at that time the profit and loss transfer agreement with the previous sole shareholder Sixt SE was still in effect. This has meanwhile been terminated. As part of the IPO Sixt Leasing AG acquired equity totalling EUR 142 million (including the equity intake of EUR 30 million from Sixt SE and before costs of the IPO). Including these equity funds and based on the Group balance sheet as at 31 March 2015, this amounts to a mathematically sound equity ratio of around 15%.
Outlook for the whole of 2015
Following the good opening quarter, the Managing Board expects that the Sixt Leasing Group will continue on its course of profitable growth for the full fiscal year 2015. The Managing Board therefore projects a slight increase in operating consolidated revenues and an improvement in consolidated EBT compared to the previous year.
The intake of funds from the IPO will be partly used to reduce current financial liabilities, so that the Group's interest rate payments may already be lowered in 2015. The remaining funds will be kept as liquidity reserves to finance growth. The medium-term objective is for the Group's financing, which is still currently mainly provided by Sixt SE, to be replaced step by step by external independent financing.
Sixt Leasing AG
Press Office
Frank Elsner
Tel.: +49 - 89 - 99 24 96 30
Fax: +49 - 89 - 99 24 96 32
E-Mail: [email protected]
The interim report of Sixt Leasing AG as at 31 March 2015 can now be downloaded from
Sixt Leasing Group
(All figures in accordance with IFRSs)
Revenue performance
EUR million |
Q1 2015 |
Q1 2014 |
Change % |
Leasing segment |
146.7 |
124.0 |
+18.3 |
Fleet Management segment |
18.6 |
8.3 |
>+100.0 |
Consolidated revenue thereof consolidated operating revenue (without vehicle sales) thereof sales revenue |
165.3 106.0 59.3 |
132.3 103.2 29.1 |
+25.0 +2.8 >+100.0 |
Earnings performance
EUR million |
Q1 2015 |
Q1 2014 |
Change % |
Fleet expenses and cost of lease assets |
102.5 |
77.6 |
+32.0 |
Personnel expenses |
5.3 |
4.4 |
+20.1 |
Depreciation and amortisation |
43.1 |
37.8 |
+14.3 |
Net other operating income/expense |
-2.1 |
-2.6 |
-18.0 |
Net finance costs |
-5.0 |
-6.3 |
-21.9 |
Earnings before taxes |
7.3 |
3.6 |
>+100.0 |
Income tax expense |
1.7 |
1.0 |
+81.9 |
Consolidated profit |
5.6 |
2.6 |
>+100.0 |
Earnings per share - basic (EUR)1 |
0.37 |
0.18 |
- |
Other key figures for the Group
31 Mar. 2015 |
31 Dec. 2014 |
Change % |
Total assets (EUR million) |
1,051.8 |
1,080.9 |
-2.7 |
Lease assets (EUR million) |
920.9 |
902.4 |
+2.1 |
Equity (EUR million)2 |
18.7 |
12.3 |
+52.5 |
Equity ratio (%)2 |
1.8 |
1.1 |
+0.7 points |
Q1 2015 |
Q1 2014 |
Change % |
Investments (EUR million)3 |
100 |
98 |
+1.5 |
1 Based on 15.0 million shares in the first three months of 2015 and 15.0 million shares in
the first three months of 2014
2 Before equity intake from IPO and cash contribution into capital reserves from Sixt SE
3 Value of vehicles added to the leasing fleet