Financial Figures

in EUR million 2023202220212020
Figures on the consolidated income statement
Consolidated revenue*619.2571*740748
thereof operating revenue*1342.7301*386423
thereof sales revenue*276.5270*354324
Other operating income10.87811
Fleet expenses and cost of lease assets*321303*473474
Personnel expenses52.9535043
Other operating expenses31.5353726
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)221185184211
Depreciation and amortisation expenses192168171191
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)28.61712.920
Net finance costs-15.9-4-6.8-11
Earnings before taxes (EBT)12.61369
Income tax expense3.740.297
Consolidated profit8.8962
Earnings per share - basic and diluted (in EUR)0.430.440.280.11
Dividend per share (in EUR)
Figures on the consolidated balance sheet
Total assets1,6731,2181,1951,296
Lease assets1,4069939951,093
Equity ratio (in %)14.219.318.416.4
Non-current financial liabilities921530315672
  Current financial liabilities256278490264
Further figures
Operating return on revenue*33.7%4,3%*1.6%2.2%
Contract portfolio Group (in thou.)126116129130
thereof Fleet Leasing34343338
thereof Retail Leasing44353639
therof Fleet Management49475953
Gross cash flow167.6136139199
Investments in lease assets4812372315430
Number of employees5730738715693
Figures Leasing business unit
Leasing revenue (finance rate)215.3188199.4217
Other revenue from leasing business*105.894.2133.4157
Sales revenue273268292269
Operating return on revenue*33.7%4,3%*1.7%1.7%
Figures Fleet Management business unit
Fleet management revenue21.619*5350
Sales revenue3.53*6256
Operating return on revenue*33.4%3,1%*0.8%5.8%
* In the 2023 financial year, an adjustment was made to revenue recognition in accordance with IFRS 15 for some service components and vehicle sales, so that Allane no longer recognizes the corresponding revenue in the role of principal, i.e. on a gross basis, but in the role of agent, i.e. on a net basis. From the 2023 financial year, this adjustment will be reflected in consolidated operating revenue and sales revenue, among other things.
1 Leasing revenue (finance rate), other revenue from leasing business and fleet management revenue (without revenue from the sale of returned vehicles).
2 Proposal by the Managing Board. The exact proposal is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board and is included with the agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2024
3 Ratio of EBT to operating revenue
4 Value of vehicles added to the leasing fleet
5 Annual average